
Loose Ends

There are 47 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
279306 punch the geezer 147698
279297 climb through the window 147699
279298 kiss the geezer 147699
279299 piss your pants 147699
279300 pick your arse 147699
279301 die 147699
279302 d 147700
279308 pull down your cacks and frig 147701
279310 say you think youre in tottenham 147702
279311 turn the light off 147702
279312 gob on the ceiling 147702
279313 take the mush out at the fookin ankle 147702
279315 say you couldnt give a fucking monkeys 147703
279316 say you hate fucking soccer 147703
279317 ask if his sister is into wearing shitty panties 147703
279318 impersonate prince singing purple rain 147703
279320 pick at your wrists 147704
279321 energise your chakras 147704
279323 tell carl about theresa may 147704
279324 explain naomi osakas father home haiti 147705
279325 lie and say her father was lenny kravitz 147705
279326 tell the tosser you think his mental age is 1 147705
279327 ask the tosser for £15,344 147705
279328 pose as mo farrah 147705
279336 approach the window beneath the sign 147708
279338 climb back in with carl 147708
279339 check your wallet 147708
279340 look to the right spying for the gang 147708
279380 look at the golden book of records 147722
279381 produce a second belch 147722
279382 look down at the pavement wanting dropped money 147722
279383 fix your eye on the geezers talking 147722
279387 say up yours mother 147726
279388 say up yours mother and munch in 147726
279389 give carl a small piece of chicken 147726
279390 shake the can pull the ring give beer to carls tie and jumper 147726
279391 shake the can pull the ring allow the beer to make your wig wet 147726
279392 scream richard ashcroft twenty times 147727
279393 visualise big ben clock tower 147727
279394 scream carl has to join in 147727
279395 turn the music up 147727
279396 turn the music off 147727
279397 explain how in your opinion you found yourself with carl 147728
279398 inform carl that smoking is unhealthy 147728
279399 ask why he doesnt climb through the window 147728
279400 offer to climb through the window find the key unlock the door 147728
279401 ask for payment for buying the cigarettes at least a grand 147728