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Another Monday Morning

"Ohhhh, Rebeca, you've gotten really good at this," your father moans longingly your mother's name in your ear, as you plant sensual, wet kisses on your father's chest. Sudden guilt surges inside your heart and you know there is one right thing to do, no matter what the repercussions.

"'s me," you whisper, not looking directly into his eyes even though he can't see you.

"W-what?!" your father screams in disgust and unimaginable horror. "You're no son of mine. YOU'RE NO SON OF MINE!" he cries hysterically, and tries to get out of the shower as fast as he can. You try to help him, but he furiously slaps your hand away and stumbles outside.

The relationship with your father is never the same way again. He throws you out of the house, and though you try to beg for forgiveness, he just shakes his head and closes the door without hesitation. From that moment on, that memory inside that shower will haunt you until your dying day.
End Of Story