Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

The ninja pilots his white corolla into a hanger built into another large floating battleship. You can't help but notice as he approaches that this flying battleship seems a lot more eviler, but that might just be because it is illegally double parked on top of San Francisco. A few more ninjas pull you and Heather out of the corolla. "There's no time to break the two of them loose, just take them both up with me to the Reactor. As they drag you to the reactor room, you try to think of where the technical windshield of this battleship is, so you can put a ticket on it. Heather seems more afraid now more than anytime before. You feel the same.

Inside the Reactor room stands a few people you recognize from the news. Michael Tucker, Nicole Sasaki, the Roberek, and the being known as Nolan stand before a ginormouse clear cylinder that reaches from below the floor to at least a couple hundred feet in the air. Three large curved magnets of the same size slowly rotate around the outside of the tube which now actually seems to be housing something inside of it. It looks like a purple tear floating in the middle of the air inside the tube. The magnets seem to be regulated the purple-black tear. You hear a faint beep from inside your pocket. You reach in when no one is looking, it's a communicator of some sort. It was one of two things that Derek guy gave you earlier. You activate it, hoping someone is listening on the other end.

"What you see before you is a reality regulator." Mike explains to Steven as Steven takes his ninja mask off. "I realized it, in a much much smaller version is what allows the Buick to travel through time, reality, and fiction. I realized it was theoretically possible to make a bigger one when Steve caused Burger to accidentally rip a hole in space-time-reality a few years ago. Seeing my opportunity, I immediately joined with them in order to learn as much as I could." "Er what does this have to do with why I'm getting paid.." Steven interjected "I bided my time, researching along with the greatest scientific minds of the Mormons more about this… technology. Picking up useful things along the way, well actually just light sabers from Star Wars but still, useful. Soon I realized that once we could control a larger rip, we could channel its energy as a weapon. With what we have now, we could only channel enough of the rip to wipe out a small city but with a far bigger power, we could do much more. However it would take an amazing power to channel this destructive force to do those things. A power like that of the Hawaiian shirt." Nolan smiled

"Excellent, but why all this damn work over the girl?" "The elders got wind of this, and almost shut us down, luckily I was able to…dispose of them and capture their scientists in the process who then of course would build me this wonderful cage to hold such a large tear." "Ok…" "However those scientists were typical Mormons and built in a safe guard to the cage, it could only be activated by the DNA of one of the other Elders along with mine. I did not realize this until after I had disposed of them. I was stumped."

"However, then I realized the solution, one of the things the Mormons hold most dear is their line of succession. In the event that their elders were to be killed off, there is a secret document that outlines who next will be born to succeed to elders. They hid it in the most secure location they had."

Steven now knew "The Toyota building in San Francisco, where they literally create the corollas. Who would try to break into that place?" Mike answered what Steven already knew. "You would, and that's what you stole for us. Thus the girl. And with a war with those crazy Canadians already put into motion by us, no one would notice a missing girl would they?" "No one except for the handsome hero cop, Lee Marcotte. A plan so evil it even rhymes, how dastardly." Lee chimed in. Steven moved to Heather and quickly took a small slice of her hair, handing it to Mike. "Aahahahaha, our time is now upon us, my fellow brothers, with this, nothing can stand in our way. Take them down to the holding cells with the rest of the Mormons and pull the Gabok just up over the cload cover so they can watch us take over the world."

"One more question thou, what was the point of placing that Z?" Nicole smiled as she answered "Oh that? Just an assassin that never got to finish it's target, so we fixed it up a bit and changed a few things back now, don't worry about it." "Who was the target?"

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