Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

"Just a few more minutes after I push this button here to reboot Norman's main systems and he should be up and running again." Hector said as he spun out of his chair and began unplugging the systems from Norman. The hum of another car's engines could be heard as you suddenly realize that the Z has now turned all the way on. "Dereg look!" Derek had already noticed and was already looking around inside the Z. "Hey man, you might wanna get into Norman to make sure everything inside is runnen all right." Hector shouts to you. You move into the driver's seat when suddenly the sound of screeching tires erupts as you are slammed back into the seat of Norman. Norman turns on and at the same time the Z opens fire within the hanger onto Norman. Emergency lights flash around as Norman's shields activate just in time to take the fire from the Z. Norman screeches backwards out the side entrance to the Hanger and falls trunk first away. You grab hard for the seatbelt and the radio. The Z swings right out into the rain after Norman as instead of fighting, Norman simply turns and runs. Derek's voice comes over the intercom, "Holly crap dude, she's gone crazy, I don't get it the Z and Norman used to be close, more than clo-" The conversation is cut short as the Z cuts hard to the left trying to cut off Norman. The Z is far faster then Norman and is attempting to corner him against a nearby cliff. The radio comes back "The Z was originally built as a corolla killer, but when it met Norman, it couldn't do it, couldn't kill Norman. Together they fought against the first Nolan when he turned against us. At the last moment, the Z sacrificed herself to save Norman. They must have found her and reprogrammed her."

Norman was corned against the cliff, the Z had him, his lights dimmed as his hood dipped a bit. The Z's engine's revved just a sec before it slowly hovered to Norm, It's hood nudged Norman's just a tad and he nudged back. "Ahahaha, I knew it!, They were just makin sure everything was all right. Oh man, come-on lets get back to the SPOT, it's almost reached San Francisco, its time for the final briefing." The two cars nudged a bit more as they flew back to the SPOT.

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