Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

"We're going as fast as we can!" Jourdan calls to you, "we're cutting through San Francisco right now so we can catch the southern air flow to quicken ourÂ… oh my god." The corolla bursts down from under the thick rain clouds threatening to rain later in the evening over the San Francisco cityscape to find the massive Gabok hovering over the city. "What the ruddy get out be that?!" Scott exclaims only to himself, because of course he is tied to the hood of the car. The Gabok simply hangs there over the city, white clone corollas squadrons busily flying around it. "Perhaps they wont notice us if.." you suggest "Crap they see us!" Adam explains. A squadron of 5 white corollas abruptly change course and begin coming at you. "Were getting out of here" Jourdan calmly says as she slams her black corolla into reverse and drops lower in the air, trunk first. The first volley of corolla fire singes through the air above you. Jourdan swings the corolla back around and attempts a dive as the white corollas swing around above. Adam pulls up the corolla Mormon emergency radio system and sends out an SOS as nudely as possible. The corolla rocks hard as you see its shield dissipate around the outside of the car. "By the gods more of them!" "Get above the clouds!" Robby shouts, Jourdan desperately swings the corolla strait up, your thrown against the seat as she tries to outrun the fire of the now 15 clones around her. The car lurches side to side with each hit, flames erupt out the side of the engine as the nose of the black corolla touches the upper cloud cover.

It begins to rain slightly as the corolla looses power, the nose tips back down towards the ground and the electronics go out. "Crap, we're dead" you think as you vaguely notice Hector jump out the side of the car. You hear the whistle of the nosedive as the Corolla screams towards the ground.

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