Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

You sit handcuffed to the young girl as the ninja known as Stephen crazily pilots a white corolla around volley after volley of anti aircraft fire. Outside the window you see that he is attempting to board some sort of huge flying battle carrier. The same warning sounds over the radio over and over again. "Undesignated Corrolla, the SPOT is under code red. Deviate course immediately or you will be fired upon. Repeat. Undesignated…." Heather tugs nervously on your arm with each swing the corolla goes through. The large battle carrier seemed to be rocking on its own axis as if battling within itself as to which way to fly. The corolla was now within a hundred feet of the large flying object. You could see a large outcropping of windows on the side of it. "You think we'll fit?" The smartass ninja asks. "You try it, I'm gonna give you another ticket." The ninja looks back, the anger in his eyes obvious now.

Heather screams as the corolla crashes threw the windows as the SPOT rocks to the left unexpectedly leading to the corolla landing roughly in what appears to be a medical area. The ninja is slightly stunned in the front seat. Your door breaks open a bit from the impact. You seize the opportunity and kick it all the way open. You grab your police club from the front seat and tug Heater after you as you run away from the Corolla. The ninja shakes off the stun a second later "Hey HEY!. GET BACK HERE!" He begins to chase after you, he is much faster due to the fact that he doesn't have a young girl handcuffed to him and is, you know, a ninja. You push a med table behind you to slow him. You pick up Heather as you squeeze through one of the doors into a larger medical bedding area. Stephen is right behind you. You keep running. He slides past you and stands before you. You both stop. "Don't run, you wont make it, and all I really want is the girl." You put Heather down and pull your club. "I used to be Mormon, now I am Ninja. You really think-grha!"

A wounded man wearing medical robes slams the ninja across the back of the head. He limps toward you. "You raise your club at him and pull Heather behind you. "Turncoats were bad Mormons, worse ninjas now." The man mumbles as he limps past you to a bag laying strewn across the floor. He pulls two things that look like futuristic sword handles from a bag. Then looks at you. "Hayward cop huh? What are you doing here?" "Hell if I know, who are you?" "That's Derek! He's Michael's friend." Heather says. She frowns a moment to think a bit. "But he's not a bad guy like Michael." Heather says. Derek looks confused and looks at the girl. Your so confused it hurts. "How do you know me?" Heather giggles a bit as she continues. "Be-eh?"

"NINJAS ASSEMBLE!" Stephen screams as he steadies himself. Derek steadies himself as well. He slips something into your pocket, he swings the sword handle in his other hand. A saber of light erupts from it as smoke explodes out from behind Stephen and at least twenty ninjas come too. "GET THE GIRL" Derek turns to you, "RUN" You grab Heather and run. Ninjas collapse into Derek who runs headlong into them. You swing out the sliding med lab door into the long hall, flames explode out from one side of the hall as a number of robed Mormons clash with ninjas. The smoke rises as red emergency lights turn on and sirens wail. You regain traction and run the opposite way down the hall. To your left of the hall are long windows looking out over the ocean. A squadron of beige corollas scream past you, one gets hit by fire as the others swing back outward, the hit corolla flames out into the windows ahead of you. You grab Heather and swing her through the closest door, another hall.

You hear an explosion behind you. The ninjas appear and see you. You run harder. "Come on Heather!" A dreadlocked bartender turns the corner ahead of you. Obviously not being a ninja must mean he may help you. "Scuze me pal, would you mind pointing me to where its safe?" You yell at him as you run past. "De bridge, id be ride beyond de elvador." He yells as he points behind him. You turn the corner as you hear shouts and eruptions behind you. The elevator ahead of you flashes an emergency light,
disabled due to fire". You slide kick the stairs door next to it. You pull Heather up into a held position as you take the stairs as quickly as you can. The ninjas burst through the door behind you and swing into the stairs. You see the door ahead of you. The ninjas are mere steps behind you, you reach the door that says Bridge Hall above it. You shoulder through. Kicking it closed behind you. You spin from the force of the kick. Put your arm out against the wall to steady yourself, and then push off to move quickly down the hall. You look up to see huge steel double doors at the end of the short hallway. "Bridge" is lighted above it among the smoke, red lights, and sirens.

Your heart drops as you see that at least 20 ninjas are turned towards the steel doors. They don't notice you as their planting something on the door. You turn back to see the other ninjas bursting through the way you came. The SPOT lurches hard as if crashing into water as the ninjas reach you. You pull your club, and take the first one down hard. You swing around and take two other out behind you. You get a good shot on another, but it's not enough, four more grab you from behind. They rustle you down hard. Your reach for Heather and grab her handcuffed arm with yours. The large steal doors blow outward behind you. "PIRATES, get the girl back to the car!." You hear screamed as your both shuffled backwards. You hold onto Heather as they pull you into one of the flight decks and push you against a white corolla parked next to an old well kept Nissan Z. Pirates and mormons burst into the other side of the flight deck. "There they are!" The large cargo doors began to open as you see that one ninja Stephen running across the Corolla hanger. "Hold them off!" He screams. As they push you into the car with Heather, the last thing you manage to do is rip off a ticket from you ticket book. You struggle a bit against the ninjas but you manage to jam it under the windshield wiper. You'll fill it out later. They overpower you into the corolla. Stephen swings into the drivers seat and guns the corolla out the large hanger doors just before they are overridden by the Mormons and closed. The corolla swings out beyond the SPOT and roars off away. Stephen grabs the radio and screams into it "This is Stephen, who's there ?!" "This is Michael. Go ahead." "The SPOT is not down, repeat the SPOT is not down" "WHAT?! What about the girl and the Z?" "The Z has been successfully planted and I have the girl…. barely…..but the damn pirates they came back, damn it, and they fought us off. And and… SON OF A B--CH!" "What?!" "I got another damn ticket!" You smile to yourself.

You have 1 choice:

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