Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

You materialize in the car dock of the SPOT, lights and alarms wail around you. "Whad de hell?" "Christ it's already begun" You turn behind you to see Nicole and the Roberek behind you in the car dock next to the Z. "Damb, mustn't have paib enoubh attention to the warp, they musd hab snug along wid de Z when I warped id here wib me." "Well, we'd love to stay and chat, but we must run along now, toodles beach bum." They were gone. Suddenly three Mormon security warriors ran past you. "Heyb Heyb! Wad's goin on?" One looked back as he was running, "follow us!"

You follow them down a flight of stairs and take a left, a large gaping hole in the wall marks where the door to engineering used to be. The wail of alarms continues as red flashing lights bath the interior of the engineering room. Large machinery chugs all around as the four of you enter. Ahead you see a platoon of security Mormons desperately trying to break threw a large number of ninjas. One of the security team sees you. "Damian, Andrew, Derrick!" Get over here!" They draw their weapons and jump into the fray. You join them. You wave your hand "strawberry margarita", three ninjas are brushed aside, two more run at you, you swing your arm around to wave a bit and say "Bahama Mama" throwing them back hard against a wall. The ninjas are frightened now. "Blue…." One of the ninjas rises off the ground "HAWIAN!" you scream as you slam him into the group of ninjas. Mormon security rushes in to take care of the now discombobulated ninja group. Another explosion rocks the SPOT. One of the security Mormons yells to you "We can handle this, get to the medilab!

You run down the hall as the red emergency lights flash on the walls next to you, the emergency siren wail is still on behind you. You look to the sign ahead of you which points to the medilab which is just down towards the end of the next hall. You look back to where you are going just in time to see a battered cop pulling a young girl behind you. "Scuze me pal, would you mind pointing me to where it's safe?" he desperately asks as he runs by. "De bridge, id be ride beyond de elvador." Next a dozen ninjas come running down the hall. "Reclaim the GIRL!" one of them screams. "Peach margarita" two are thrown backwards, the rest dive out of the way then come hard towards you, you only have time for one last command "LAVA FLOW" you scream, setting a row of the ninjas on fire. It isn't enough, your knocked hard to the floor by the remaining ninjas, however they ignore you as the roll down the hall after the cop. "Dude, get up get us to the bridge now Dustin!" You look up to see Derek, he is weak but standing. The air shimmers as you obey him.

The bridge is in chaos as you warp into it, Mormons are madly working on various consoles around you. A security officer runs to the captain's chair. "Ma'am their attempting to breach the airlock of this bridge. The chair turns to reveal Jess as she stands. Another explosion rocks the bridge. "Security door one has been breached!" "Where the hell is Jourdan?.." Jess says to herself then raises her voice "Everyone, grab a weapon and line up, this bridge will not fall. Navigation?" "We have mild control back!" "Can you shut us down?" "Ma'am?" "Can you do it!?" "Ye.. Yes ma'am but we'll crash into the ocean!" "The SPOT will hold. Do it now! The rest of you get ready." More alarms begin to sound as the hum of the SPOT's engines comes to a stop. Another explosion as the last of the security officers form in front of the door. "One security door left!" The cabin tilts hard as the SPOT begins to dive into the ocean. "Brace for impact, you hear someone call out. As the SPOT crashes down into the water. The main lights go out, you can hear the ninjas as they seem to be attempting to fight someone behind the final security door to the bridge. It sounds as if they have won as you now hear them attaching something to the door. Red light now fills the room. Jess removes her ceremonial captains sword. A beeping can be heard. You begin to decide which chant to use first as Derek steadies himself and readies his light sabre. The beeping becomes quicker.

You hear a round of explosions coming from somewhere outside the SPOT. The beeping has become even quicker. The Mormons are confused as you hear what sounds like foot steps and thumps all about the outside of the SPOT. You then hear screams from behind the door and then one of the Mormons shout "Look behind us, out the bridge windshield!" That is when you see them, hundreds of Pirate ships, docking, firing their cannons, pirates are boarding the SPOT! The door explodes in and the Security mormons rush out to greet the ninjas. Jess turns and yells to the few other mormons still at their consoles. "Open the windshields!" The windshields open as pirates swing in and run past you. You follow them as they clash with the ninjas. The scene is chaos as the pirates and Mormons battle back the Ninjas. You knock a few ninjas back but the pirates and security seem to be doing a pretty good job of defending the bridge. A few minutes later and the ninjas have retreated.

The normal lights flicker on as you escort the battered head of SPOT security Melissa back into the bridge of the SPOT. Pirate Amy stands next to Jess. "Thank you for your assistance, it could not have come at a better time." Jess says "Ay, it be fate that brought our pirate armada to your aid, as you mey well be knowin, but we have a standing er disagreement with these here ninjas. An we be hearin you folks here be gonna stopping them sum time soon. An well we were fixen to give you mite folks a bit of a hand, we just didn't know it would be so soon." Jess smiles a bit as Melissa begins to talk "Well, tonight, we plan on launching our only shot, an allied assault on the Gabok, the root of all this evil." Jess continues "That's right, an allied Mormon, U.S., Denny's Security Leprechaun assault. And I'm sure the incoming Navy battleships could use some experienced cover." "Yar, then an allied Morman, U.S. Military, Denny's Security Leprechaun , and Pirate force it shall be!"

One of the Mormans spins around from his console, "Ma'ams! The Corrolla carrying Jourdan and her people as been shot down! Were only reading one survivor.

The air begins to morph in front of you and Derek. And you are gone to their aid.

You have 1 choice:

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