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Another Monday Morning

The what? No no no. It's not 'Koo', its KOOH, the Key Out of Hell. It was a favor I did for...God Damn that SOB. You know what? I'd do anything to get back at him. He put me down here where no one ever visits me. I can't even correct useless rumors like the so-called Koo. No no no. It's the Key Out of Hell. You know what? I got it. I'm going to make it findable. I can reverse that spell with a snap of my fingers. He told me to make it unfindable, and I actually did it for him. Well, when a 'friend' acts like he has, I say, all former agreements are forfeit. (snap)

There. It's findable now. I don't know where it is. It was unfindable before, even for me. Now it's findable. That doesn't mean I automatically know where it is. Who do you think I am? I'm not some fancy scholar up at the Wild Nights of Hell College. No, the key is out there somewhere. No one will find it for about a million years, I bet. But when they do...Oh man! I'm going to totally film Satan's reaction when he finds out. Ha haha!
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