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The Thief of Alvera

You are too lazy to bother following the man, you decide to stay where you are and keep musing on your life.

As you sit and mope, three men in jingling chainmail and carrying long pikes and broadswords enter into the street. Their torchlight reveals your presence and they immediately come upto you. One grabs you buy your tunic and lifts you from where you were sitting. The other two seize a bag that you were hiding behind yourself and invert it, making it's contents fall onto the floor. The guards see the jewellery and money you had carelesly stashed in it and deduce you to be a thief. You panic and lunge at a guard with your dagger. The guard blocks you with his shield and the other guard quickly drives his pike through your stomach. They do not seem to have found what they were looking for in your packs and after throwing you into the gutter they quickly move on in their search while you lie in the gutter. Soon you body will be recovered and buried in a pauper's grave.
End Of Story