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Time Traveller

"Get me a brandy, barkeep," You say with your best wild west accent.
"One brandy, comin' right up," The bartender says, bustling around and handing you a substance that looks like it might knock your head off. You take a sip and decide that it is as strong as it looks.

You watch the woman playing poker; she seems to be winning, much to the chagrin of the men. Presently, she laughs out loud as she wins with a Flush of Spades and gathers in the money. Thanking the men for a good game and draining her whiskey, she saunters across to you and leans on the bar.
"Hey there, drifter," She says, "See you got into the Sheriff's good books again." She looks down at your drink, "Brandy, huh? Good choice."
You smile and take a sip. She watches you intently for a few moments, and then leans in close.
"What say I take you to meet a few friends of mine? Could be money in it for you..."

The woman straightens gracefully and makes her way out of the saloon. Clearly, she's hoping that you will follow her.
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