Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

Chapter 2

Jessica White sat in the captains chair of the SPOT looking over a recently faxed report from President Harrison. "Captain?" A voice startled her from behind. She turned to see that it was simply one of the squad leaders, Melissa Kelly. Ma'am sorry to interrupt you, but it seems that Derek Bradshaw is going to reawaken soon. Jess smiled as she said "That is wonderful news indeed! Let's give him a visit" Jess got up from her chair when suddenly the sound and force of a large explosion somewhere within the SPOT rocked the flight deck, sending Jess grabbing for the captain's chair she had just left. Alarms went off within the flight deck of the SPOT. "Those alarms? Those are intruder alarms! Security, isolate the situation, where is this coming from?!" One of the Mormons sitting in front of a set of computer monitors responded. "Sir, that explosion took out the security door to engineering, but why would they be in there?" No more then 5 seconds after the question was asked, the SPOT rocked again as it began to lift off the ground. More alarms. Jess calmly turned to a different Mormon. "Navigation, are we being overridden?" "Ma'am? Yes ma'am!" "Get control back, do it now, security, get everyone who is security down to engineering now, the SPOT is being hijacked."

You have 1 choice:

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