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You find yourself staring at a beige wall. Stepping out of the chamber, the first thing you notice about your new body is that it's well-tanned. You find a mirror to your left, and get a good look at the new you.

This body is probably in it's mid-twenties, with a smooth face and jet-black hair. Khakis and an untucked, half-buttoned blue dress shirt create a look that's popular, but not quite you. Still, that's the point; you're not supposed to be you. It's only nine o'clock. For the next twelve hours, you vow to act cooler than your geeky self.

Remembering the monitor, you walk over to see your body looking itself over in the mirror. You could almost swear he's muttering "Not another geek." His hands quickly unbutton his collar before he turns to address your parents.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Nantucket. You can call me 'Reggie'. I'm free to answer a few of your questions before I go out on the town," he says.

Your father nods, but your mother seems startled. "You're not going to be sticking around?"

"No, ma'am. A part of this process is to get you parents used to the idea of someone else being in your child's body. I'll be leaving after answering your questions, but you are free to call me at any time during the Rentyring, as long as you have questions. You're not allowed to ask where I am, or what I'm doing."

Surprisingly, your father asks the first question. Well, to be fair, he's looking right at you when he asks it, so he's asking it for your sake, not his. "Do either you or my son need to have money?"

Reggie smiles. "Good question, sir. Our I.D.s will serve as charge cards, but only during the Rentyring period. The bill will find it's way to your Rentyre machine when the process is complete, and it must be paid off before you can use the machine again."

You sigh. Your father walks away, leaving your paranoid mother to ask questions. "Is there anything you can or cannot do while Rentyring?"

"Well, any illegal actions will obviously be blamed on the person, not the body. But if you're worried about things like drinking, there's no restriction."

"But that's horrible! What if you get drunk, and then try to drive? You could get yourself killed! Then what would happen to my son!?"

"Ma'am, by using the Rentyre, your son has agreed to forfit many of his rights. If I were to break his arm, I would receive a fine, but he would have to cope with it during the healing period. In the event of a serious accident, fake bodies can be assigned."

"So if you got yourself killed, my son would be put in a robot!?"

"Well, yes ma'am, but keep in mind it's a high-tech, realistic looking robot. The thing you have to consider is that a strict enforcement would be near-impossible. Rentyra Co. has taken many safety precautions, but serious risks still remain."

"I see," she says, though the look on her face doesn't show it. "What circumstances will result in a robot?"

The monitor begins to fade to static. The viewing time's almost up! "Well," says Reggie, "usually it's for things like death, or the breaking or loss of many limbs. But, sometimes, it's as a result of legal action."

You strain your ears to listen to Reggie, as the static is becoming overwhelming. "You see, current law holds that once you use a Rentyre, you forgo ownership of your body. Which means your bodies' creator, your mother, gains legal control over it. But..." Reggie's voice trails off there. The static becomes too great. Sighing, you reach over and turn the volume off.

Well, technically, that was your voice that was overcome by static. You chuckle. Clearly, possesive nouns weren't meant to be used in body switching circumstances!
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