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The knights Lady

"Wil" Said Robert, taking in the villiage girl running out the door "That is not chivalric behavior. There is a time and place for some things, but this is not one of them" Tonight you can sleep here in the stable, and we will deal with the ramifications in the morning, not the least of which is making sure nothingÂ… Irrevocable has been done to that poor villiage girl." Robert took a deep breath, relieved that it was not his little sister rolling in the hay with his Squire.

"Alinore, Father wants you in the hall it is nearly time for dinner" Robert took his sister firmly by the arm and escorted her across the courtyard. "Look Ali, I told you not to come down to the Stables, but you came anyway. It is very important that you conduct yourself appropriately. Father will need you to make an advantageous marriage someday, and you must protect your reputation." Alinor was still furious about Wil, and was in no mood to listen to the same lecture from her brother that he always gives her. "Any man who can get you alone will do whatever he can to take advantage of you. You are beautiful and you stand to inherit great estates, but being beautiful is enough. You are much too young to know the difference between love and lust, and any man could make you think you are in love with him, with a few gentle words and soft kisses."

"Ahhrg!" Alinor groaned "Enough Robert! "Is it not bad enough that my heart is broken, and that I have been betrayed by my sweetheart? Must I also be chastised for being a foolish girl as well?" Alinor felt a stone growing in her throat and tears welling up in her eyes, but she swallowed hard and stood tall. "I know that what I felt for Wil was not True love. I am not a complete fool." Alinor made a good show of being cool, but inside she was devastated.

The Brother and sister entered the hall and took their places at the High Table. In all the activity, Alinore forgot about Sir Guy, the knight from the road. There he was sitting right next to her at the table and she had to be polite to him. She was not feeling especially polite. The Baron Draken introduced her and she curtseyed to him.
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