Ground Zero

You figure he's probably expecting that, so you speed up and duck your head down. You hear the sound of two of your tires blowing out, which is strange because you didn't hear any shots. You just barely avoid crashing into some nearby rocks; however you do flip your van on its side.

Cursing your situation, you quickly recover, grab what supplies you can and crawl out the side window. You briefly turn your head to see how far the mutant bounty hunter is, but he's completely disappeared. You have no idea where he's gone. Just then a different gunshot is heard and coming from another direction down the road.

"Hey get that bastard, we gotta collect that bounty!" an armored man says to another.

"What the fuck? Did they hire the whole state to bring me down?" you say to yourself hauling ass out of the area, with more bullets whizzing your way.

Eventually you manage to lose all of them. You find a nearby abandoned gas station to rest in and reflect on things. That was a very close call. Its obvious The Combine is REALLY out for your blood, they got bounty hunters scouring the wasteland for you, and you've noticed your encounters have only increased recently.

This is going to be your life now. You're going to be hunted until the day you die which will be soon, if you aren't careful. You can kill all the Combine troops, hunters and mercs you want, they'll still send people after you.

The only thing you can do is leave the area altogether or find some place to hide for awhile.

You have 2 choices:

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