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World Domination

That tantalizing eucalyptus taste still fresh in your mouth, you call the factory, and order production to commence immediately.

Two days before 'Minty's Koala Paste' is set to reach the shelves, however, disaster strikes. Your main rival, Tooth Fairy Inc., releases an identical product, and what's more, have beaten you to it!

Enraged, you ring your head of Research and Development, Charlie Newman, and tell him to come to your office immediately.

You meet him at the top of the elevator, and he's bright red. Either he ran to meet you, or he knows he's in trouble, or both. "And HOW the hell did this happen?" you blurt out.

"Err... um .. I don't know Mr. Merlock, there must have been spies in our laboratories", he stutters.

"Do you have any leads?" you say, trying to calm yourself and respond reasonably. "Have any of the boys been acting strangely lately? Have you done background checks?"

"Well, we never did have a policy of background checks. I guess we should have expected this."

You engage in a heated discussion with Newman for over an hour, and you both agree to step up security within the company. After all, something needs to be done!
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