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The Island of Destiny

You begin the long trek out to the cliffs. Even from far away, they look pretty dangerous. You wonder what's in store for you there.

As you get there, you begin to hear the crash of the ocean waves against the slippery, rock wall. Is it a good idea to be here?

You walk out to the edge of the cliff, gather your wits, and look down. You are startled by what you see. There is a cage hanging by a thick rope attached to a large tree branch. The cage is hovering over the ocean, almost a hundred feet up. You also see to your amazement, that there is a pretty girl about your age fast asleep in the cage, sitting against the bars. She has blonde hair, her clothes are ragged and dirty, and she looks worn out.

How did she get in that cage? Was she the one asking for your help? So many questions, should you wake her up? Or grab the rope and try to pull her in?
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