The demon scam

You do not want to give up this chance of getting help. Beside her, there might not be any other living creatures around for miles as far as you know... At least none who are friendly.

"Please..." you repeat, having difficulties getting the words out. "I beg you... have mercy!"

The demon frows a little and finally decides, "Fine then. "I will save you from this death, but then you have to get out of my sight." She places a hand on your bleeding side and you can feel the wound closing up and your strength return.

Feeling pretty dazed, you open your eyes and try to sit up straight. "Thank you..." The demon looks at you grimly. "Don't be too grateful. I only cast a spell on you that makes you FEEL as if your strength is back. It is not really, so if you push yourself, you will still die."

You nod a little. "I understand."

The demon straightens up, saying, "I will leave now, and don't try to follow me."

(Please scratch your L or M.)
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