The demon scam

You look at her with desperation in your eyes, knowing she might very well be your only chance of surviving in this place. There is no way you can go on in your current condition any way...

"Please, Naria..! I really need your help, or my sister and I will surely die here!" you say at the same time trying to gasp for air.

Naria narrows her feline eyes at you, studying you grimly. Then, she finally gives a nod. "Alright then, I will help you for as long as I can. But I'm not swearing you my loyalty, so don't expect me to protect you against my own kind!"

You give a pale but grateful smile. "Thank you..."

She reaches out to touch your wound with a clawed hand, and you can feel it close up and your strength return.

You straighten up with a little smile. "Thank you so much... I owe you one," you say, but Naria looks at you rather grimly. "Don't be too grateful. I only cast a spell on you that makes you FEEL as if your strength is back. It is not really, so if you push yourself, you will still die."

(Please scratch your L or M.)
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