The demon scam

Merle walks quietly by your side, looking slightly intimidated by everything that's been happening, but she is watching Naria with wide eyes, clearly fashinated by her appearence.

You turn to Naria and ask, "So... do you know of a way out of this realm or what?"

Naria frowns at your question. "A portal to the mortal world... It is not that easy, I am afraid. Not everyone has the gift to open up portals between realms."

"I assume you can't?" you ask, and she shakes her head. "No... I know only one who can, but that won't be easy."

"Please tell me," you say.

"Well..." Naria starts, "there is a town not too far away from here. The oracle there can open portals, but I don't know how on earth we are going to fool HIM... I'm pretty sure you two won't pass as demons to him."

You think that over for a moment. "But it's our only chance, right? Let's do it."

Naria smiles. "I like your attitude."

Suddenly, Naria stops and glances over her shoulder with a slight frown. "We have company..."

You turn around to see a whole pack of snarling demon-hyenas close in on you.

You bite your lip and then turn to Naria who is watching you, looking a little concerned. "They are no danger to ME..." she says, apparently implying there could be a problem for you and Merle though.

You have 2 choices:

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