The demon scam

You run, not thinking about anything else than to get away... it blackens infront your eyes and you hardly even see where you're running and therefore nearly fall into the river before you notice it.

Not thinking twice, you jump into the river, seeing it as your only chance to get away. The current is strong, but you are a good swimmer, and you manage to reach the opposite shore, wet and out of breath, but unharmed. As you look back, there is no sign of your pursuer, so it seems you got away. Good for you.

As you've caught your breath, you keep walking, not knowing where you are anymore. Not that you knew that to begin with, but whatever...

Suddenly, you hear a familiar vioce singing happily up ahead. Merle!? Feeling dizzy with relief, you run towards the sound to find her sitting on the ground, playing with small blue rocks.
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