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The wall had been opened, but then it had somehow closed. That meant it could surely be opened again, right?

She could still hear the bandits on the other side. They had approached the door when she had banged on it the first time, so they knew she was there. She could hear them shouting to one another, and occasionally they banged on the door as well.
A few times, it crossed her mind that if she could open the door, then maybe they could too.
But it didn't happen. After a while they went away, and Jezirea was left in silence and near darkness.

She stood and stretched her legs out, and then proceeded to examine the door. Like the earlier tunnels, this area had red, throbbing lines of light etched in to the walls and door. She ran her hands over every inch of the surrounding area, but the surface was completely smooth; there was nothing that could possible pass as a button or latch.

Eventually, Jezirea gave up on that idea and began to study the patterns of red light. They obviously weren't natural. Could they be the key to opening the door?
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