The demon scam

You pick Merle up and run for your life, not even daring to look back. Even so, you can hear the creature snarl and pick up the chase... Merle clings to you, a scared look in her eyes, but she stays still in your arms.

Then you suddenly come to the edge of a river, and without thinking twice, you dive into it. You are a good simmer, but you still have to struggle to get across with Merle. Thank heavens she is keeping calm, at least... But she's probably just scared to death...

You reach the opposite shore, wet and out of breath, but unharmed. As you look back, there is no sign of your pursuer, so it seems you got away. Good for you.

You allow yourself to catch your breath for a moment, while you say, mostly to yourself, "We've GOTTA get out of here soon..."

Merle sits there shivering, saying nothing.
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