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The demon scam

You smirk and straighten up, making a huge effort to ignore the sickening pain in your side. "I got careless," you say in a light-hearted tone. "It's just a scratch though."

Yeah, I wish... you add in your mind, knowing that your wound is actually more than likely fatal.

Naria giggles softly. "That's what you get for showing off. Let's get going." She starts walking and you follow, even though you can't stop a gasp of pain come over your lips as you start moving. This was worse than you had thought... Even though you might be able to fool her for a while longer, keeping this up might kill you before you find Merle.

You grit your teeth and struggles on, trying not to show any pain on your face. Naria is talking to you, and you even hear yourself reply, and you only hope what you're saying makes sense...

Finally, you come to a point where you just can't go on anylonger, and you stumbles and falls, close to death.

Naria catches you with a surprised look on her face. "Hey Lint..? What's wrong?"

You want to tell her - now there is no point in hiding it anymore - but you can't utter the words, you are too weak to even do that.

Naria stares at you as she holds you in her arms. "Don't tell me... that you're a mortal!?"

You nod weakly.

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