The demon scam

Merle casts one fearfull look at the hyenas and then twirls around, rushing off in the other direction.

"Merle, stop!" you yell, but she doesn't listen to you. Cursing under your breath, you are about to run after her, but the first of the hyenas leap at you, and you are forced to defend yourself if you don't want to get killed.

Hoping for the best, you strike at it with your dagger. It sinks in, but the beast still knocks you over, it's sharp claws scraping your side. You wince with pain and you hear Merle scream... but the next hyena that lunges at you is suddenly swept away by someone else who just entered the fight.

You scowl and run after her, forgetting all about the fight for now. Luckily, you are a lot faster than she is, and it doesn't take long before you reach her.

(Please remember the letter L.)
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