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You figure Pervus the clown is the only possible candidate to help you in this endeavor. He's immoral enough and doesn't have any allegiances. You don't relish the idea of going anywhere near the clown tent though; everyone knows what terrible things they do to trespassers in there. Fortunately you find Pervus harassing one of the acrobats. She looks terrified, by this scary overbearing clown

"Aw come on, I just wanna get to know ya better. You're so pretty and young with a nice tight ass. What I could do with that for about an hour…"

Suddenly Pervus goes to grab at the acrobat, but she leaps out of the way and runs off in fear.

"Fuckin' cock teasin' bitch…(sniff sniff) I know that smell…smells like a dead dog's asshole after I busted a nut in it…Geek…what the hell do you want?"
"Uh hello Pervus…I uh, need your help with something."
"Oh do ya now? What might that be?"
"I need to get rid of Ajax and I need your help to do it."
"Whoa, hold on there first of all what makes you think I'd help you without asking for something in return, and second of all, Ajax isn't exactly easy prey if you know what I mean."
"Well…what would convince you…and NOT THAT!"

Pervus chuckles.

"Feh, maybe some of my boys might like a piece of your filthy ass, but I'm a little more discriminating…actually you got me in a unique mood. I'm willing to help you. Ajax pisses me off every time I go try to get some liquor from Charley. Walkin' around displayin' that perfect physique. He really needs to be taken down a fuckin' peg. In fact he NEEDS to be pegged in the fuckin' ass. Tell ya what, you get Ajax to come over to the clown tent and we'll do the rest. He's had this coming for a long time." Pervus says stroking his crotch.
"You gonna kill him?"
"No, but I suggest you not ask what we ARE going to do to him. Trust me though; you'll never see him again."
"Uh, okay…but how the hell am I supposed to get him to go over to your tent, nobody ever goes over there!"
"Well I suggest you think of something, if you want our help. See you later and hopefully with a certain Strongman in tow."

Facing Ajax one on one is NOT what you had in mind! You're going to have to do it though. You could attempt to make up a story which may or may not work, or you could go with a much dangerous approach and piss him off so he chases you there. The problem with that approach is you're a dead Geek if he catches you.
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