The Black Citadel

You fly up to find a dark room, high up, in the side of a wall. Inside you light your oil-lamp and its light is thrown out to catch the bare walls and a stone pedestal located in front of you. On the pedestal is a *silver-white leaf. Excellent! You can now form another globe and, once you've floated you back down to ground level, you decide to try it in your staff.

You take out the existing bronze leaf and insert the shimmering silver-white leaf into the head of the staff. First there is only a crackle of electricity, and then a pure white sphere with a crackling red electric current quickly forms around the silver-white leaf until the leaf disappears inside the newly formed globe. You try to touch the electric globe but your fingers pass straight though the surface without any ill effect to yourself or any change in the globe. You now have the following globe with all the spells it contains:

Globe of the Spirit
Spell of Healing
Spell of Speed
Spell of Phantom
Spell of Telekinesis
Spell of Metamorphose

Receive the password "levitate".

Note: (Each spell can only be used once. Then they need some time to regenerate again).
Note: (If you discover another type of globe, the existing one in use can be removed and the new one inserted at any time, except just before or during a battle. Any extra globes are counted as backpack items).

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