Alpha Wolf

Your recent dealings with Mary, have made you think about all the shit you've had to put up with from that no talent dickhead. No human has ever given you such trouble. You know he's still alive. (Mad scientists always find ways of prolonging their lives somehow) That won't be true for long though, if you get your way. You killed him once before. This time you're going to make sure he stays that way.

He's probably got whatever crappy inventions and experiments protecting his castle and from what you know, Frankie's still living with his "Dad" as well.

You don't give a fuck, you'll kill him too. You figure you'll be doing the world a favor as well as getting some satisfaction. Besides, you've got to show these wolflings what being a werewolf is all about.

"All right you cubs! We're going to go raise some fucking hell. We're going to Frankenstein's Castle. We're going to rip the place apart brick by brick, and I'M going to rip Victor apart limb from limb."
"ErmÂ…Castle Frankenstien? Isn't that where Frankie lives?" one of the wolflings asks.
"I heard he's really powerful, didn't he fight Dracula and win?"
'I dunno if we should mess with him."

You can't believe your ears! These snot nosed pups know nothing of their heritage! Back in the old days they would've been killed and eaten for such cowardice!

"Goddammit are you Wolves or fucking Chihuahuas? Frankie's a fucking pussy! I personally kicked his ass before and I'll do it again all by myself if I have too! Now are you going to run with me and be a fucking Wolf or are you going to go back home with your tails tucked between your legs?"

After looking at each other for awhile they all agree to go with you.

"Good! Now I want all of you to transform into your wolf form too! I'm traveling with fellow wolves not humans!"

Just before one of the females begins to transform, you stop her. She's dressed in a short leather skirt and a tight white t-shirt that's tied in the center and has long flowing brown hair. You can smell that she's in heat. You hate to coin a pun, but she literally is one hot l'il bitch.

"Erm, not you. You stay in your human form; I kind of like the whole teenage slut look you got going on. In fact you come here right now; you'll be traveling on my bike with me." You say.

As she slides in behind you and holds on, you ask her one more question.

"So what's your name?"
"Ginger. What's your name, you never did tell us."
"Wolf. Just Wolf baby. Remember it. You'll be screaming it later."

Damn you're so fucking cool, you think as you start up your Harley and ride ahead of the pack.

(You'd probably be even cooler if these pups weren't all riding those Japanese "crotch rocket" bikes, but that'll have to be another lesson for another day)

After a couple of days of riding, and a few "pit stops" with Ginger, you all eventually reach Castle Frankenstein. You park your bikes at the gate, and size the place up, which now looks a lot different. It looks like a damn Nazi fortress now, there's guard towers and everything. It seems Victor has been keeping himself very busy in recent years.

As it begins to rain, a familiar voice calls to you from one of the towers.

"Its you. Vic always knew you'd return one day. I never believed him though. I guess I owe him fifty bucks."

You look up and see Igor, he looks different too. He has a lot of clumsy cybernetic implants, one of them being some sort of gun in place of an arm. More of Vic's "handy work" no doubt. He's still got that damn hump on his back though.

"Igor? You still alive? I thought your ungrateful master would've just let you die of old age and get himself another assistant. I see he did a real good job of improving you though. Tell me, how's it feel to be the real brains, never getting the credit and continuing to be a doormat?"
"I'm happy with my lot in life. How's it feel to be broke ass overgrown dog who's trying to relive his lost youth?" Igor retorts back.
"Don't know yet. I'll tell you before I shove that metal arm up your ass."

Well looks like the fight's starting here.
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