Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Paco Valdez


"Can you take me to Fullton?" You ask, figuring it to be a good place to lay low, similar to a strategy you used when playing hide and tag with your cousins; hiding right next to base.

"Of course I can take you to Fullton." The Kamani says to you, "That is why I offered."

"Thank you." You say to him. He does not reply, just pats his horses flanks and begins trotting off. You follow closely, somehow paranoid that he is going kick the flanks hard and lose you in the desert, leaving you to die.

Several hours pass and you can see the few lights of the town sitting on the horizon. The sun is beginning to rise behind it, staining the sky with the bloody rebirth of the sun.

He takes you within a few dozen yards of the town and bows his head to you. "I leave you hear." He says as he turns his horse around.

"Thank you for your help." You say. "May I know the name of the man who assisted me?"

He turns his head back to you for a moment, measuring you benieth his gaze. "I am known as Maha-katee. In your language, I am LoneWolf."

"I thank you for your help, LoneWolf." You say to him as formaly as you can manage.

He begins to trot off in his direction and you watch as he becomes a smaller and smaller figure in the increasing distance. Then you turn around and start to head into Fullton, hoping to find a room quickly and to hang low in the hopes that this whole thing will just blow right over.

You glance over your shoulder again and see several horses surrounding LoneWolf in the distance. You squint to see and are certain that the riders are not Kamani men welcoming thier brother. One of the men lets a shot out into the air.

LoneWolf may be in trouble and in need of your help. There are five men against him, though, and you have troubles of your own. Helping him would be quite a risk too. What if those men are Vigilantes? You don't need to run into them again.
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