Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Paco Valdez


"Kallow sounds nice." You say.

He makes a little noise under his breath that tells you his opinion on the town is not so "nice". But he nods anyway and pats his horses flank, trotting on ahead of you in the direction he claimed Kallow to be in.

You follow him and find that he moves at a steady pace that is somewhere between a fast canter and a slow trot. The pace at which he moves seems to suit Betty, and you note that her breathing is not so labored as when you had lead her previously.

He does not speak to you once and answers all of your questions rather briefly. You get the impression that he doesn't like you much and wonder if it is you or a hatred for all white men.

As you continue to follow him, you wonder if he is truly leading you to safety. Perhaps he plans on slaughtering you and claiming your scalp as his own. Indians are known to practice such bizaar and barbaric customs. You take your hat off briefly and smooth down your hair. You've grown rather fond of your scalp and would prefer to keep it.

A few hours pass and night falls before you can see the village on the star filled horizon. The Indian stops and points to the town.

"There is your Kallow." He says to you.

So he was leading you to safety after all. Despite his stern and cold demeanor, he has lead you to safety. You are alive because of him.

"Thank you," you say to him, "Why don't you join me for a drink. I owe you that much at least."

He shakes his head. "I don't go into Kallow." He turns his horse around and seems about to leave you.

"May I know the name of the man to whom I owe my life?" You ask of him before he can trot off.

He turns his head back to you for a moment, measuring you beneath his gaze. "I am known as Maha-katee. In your language, I am LoneWolf."

"I thank you for your help, LoneWolf." You say to him as formally as you can manage.

He nods to you and gallops into the distance. You make your way to town, thankful that you have found civilization. Thankful of the help of a man called LoneWolf.

You get into town and find it completely dead. Not a soul is awake. You hadn't realized just how late it is.

There is a bench nearby that seems rather inviting. You could lay upon it and wait until morning. On the other hand, you could try to wake an inn keeper and possibly get a room.

Which do you decide?
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