Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Paco Valdez


Sleeping out in the open where there may be Vigilantes running around does not seem like a terribly good idea to you. You walk over to the nearest inn and knock step in. The innkeeper is nowhere to be seen.

You ring the bell on the counter, hitting it as hard as you can so that you'll be able to awaken the inn keeper. You wait a little before ringing it again.

The innkeeper comes to the desk, wiping sleep from his eyes. "It's a little late to be getting a room, don't you think?"

"I'm sorry," You say, "I know it's late. All I need is a bed."

He humphs a little under his breath, but nods a little and reaches under the counter to pull forth a key.

"Room 115." He says.

You throw him a gold coin and walk away, headed for your room. He takes the gold greedily, it is a big tip. He actually thanks you for waking him so late.

You find your room and unlock the door, crashing onto the bed and falling asleep the moment your head hits the bed.

In the morning you wake and stretch out. It is a new day. You briefly consider staying in town another night before heading out. It would be good to relax. Of course, you should probably head out today. Who knows what the Vigilante's status is here?

Either way you need to get supplies from the general store. What's your plan?
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