Paco Valdez

You give the hare one last longing glance and walk away from it. So much for a decent meal tonight. But better to not have a meal than to be discovered by a Vigilante scout.

You walk over to Annie and tell her of the rider approaching. She looks into the distance and squints. "I can't believe I didn't hear that." She says. Usualy she is the one to note approaching riders. Gus always jokes that she has the ears of a bat, and the face to match. He usualy gets hit when he brings up the "face to match" remark.

"That's Gus." She says after a few minutes of squinting and goes back to building the fire. Damn. You could have caught dinner after all.

Gus joins the camp after a half-hour and dismounts. He berates you a little longer about how your stupidity has potentialy caused everyone thier lives, and how if you live through this he's going to kill you.

As the sun starts to set and you've shared your whiskey, Gus and Annie seems a little more relaxed. Gus's lectures turn to occasional snide comments, and Annie's dirty looks turn to a shaking head and rolling eyes. As night hits they tell you that you will be watching camp first and they fall asleep on the ground while you stare into the flames.

An couple of hours go by and you step away from the fire to relieve your self. While away from the crackling flames you hear a rider approach in the distance. It sounds like just one horse. You shake a few times and put your manhood away before placing your fingers on the handle on the butt of your pistol, hiding in the shadows to listen. The rider is getting continualy closer. You decide not to wake your companions and wait for the rider to come within range.
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