
Traveling these days is a burden unto itself. Most of it, for reasons that become obvious, is done on foot. But on treks that require large distances to be crossed, one must come up with other methods as to not exhaust too many resources including time.

Public transit does not, for some reason, require identification. Therefore if traveling from one point of a city to another one can simply take a taxi since most drivers are independant and will take anyones money. Public buses are not the same way.
When traveling farther distances one must think of more imaginitive ways to make due. Hitchhiking has become a phenomenon. Of course, being an easy way to be identified as a vagrant, there have been unspoken ways to tell if a potential ride is a 'friendly'.

Paper money has become nearly obsolete. The Euro has taken a different form as a chip implanted under the skin atop the right hand. Being the global currency, nearly all other forms of money have gone by the way side. Still some establishments will take paper money if you can scan your Euro on. Again, taxi cabs do not require such pre-requsites.

Your party has a small amount of money acquired through several means. You've learned over the years that sometimes its best not to ask questions.

You have 1 choice:

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