Paco Valdez

"I think we can take them." You say to your companions.

Gus gives you a look of hatred. "You're a damn idiot, you know that?" But he complies with your decision none the less and mounts his horse. Annie gets on horseback as well and the two of them ride off to hide in the shadows around Coyote Rock, leaving you alone at the side of the fire listening to the rolling thunder of horse hooves become progressively louder as they approach the camp.

The horses are visable now at the campsite, as are the riders stay mounted. Like Annie predicted, there are five of them. Her ears are never wrong.

"There you are," says one of the men from aback his horse, "We've been looking for you." This man is clean shaven and appears to be in charge. No one else speaks to you.

"Well here I am." You reply, spreading your arms out away from your pistols so that they don't think you're going to try anything rash.

"Here you are indeed." He says to you, laughing. "You'll be coming back to town with us now. When Mr. Valdez gets back tomorrow he's going to want to see you."

A crack of thunder comes from beside the rock and one of the riders falls from his saddle. The gentleman at the head of the operation looks around in alarm as another gunshot rings out from the rock followed quickly by a third. Two more of his men fall dead.

The gentleman and his companion pace around in a paniced state of confusion for a few seconds before the other man speaks. "We've got to get out of here, Jenkins." He says. And that is all he says, because during the confusion you were drawing your pistols. You begin unloading them into the riders body in rapid succession. BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM!

Jenkins, the gentleman, rides off like the wind, kicking wildly at the horses flanks. He is long gone, speeding past you before you can think to give chase. Gus clambors over on his horse and dismounts.

"That was fun." Gus says, smiling.

"Yes it was," You say, laying down. "It's you're watch now, Gus."

"Go to hell, ya varment." He says to you.

You drift off to sleep.
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