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Prophecies of Dunbar: The Last Saints

"If you do not tell me what you know about the Last Saints I will kill you." You take out your sword.

"You wouldn't do that," the man does not seem to believe what he says.

"Oh yes I would," you assure him. To make sure he gets the point, you chop off one of his fingers.

"All right! I'll talk. But don't think I won't turn you in for guard brutality. There is a hideout at the Magic Shop on Labor Street. Inside is a secret room that Saints use as a stronghold. There are perhaps ten Saints there."

You run out of the shop without another word. Sprinting back to Yenbow, you make it back with only ten minutes left.

"The Magic Shop!" you tell him. "On Labor Street! There is a hideout of the Last Saints."

Yenbow nods. "I am impressed with your work. I believe it is time you get your initiation. Go to the temple and ask Gebassa, one of the Five, to initiate you."

Ecstatic that you will now be a true member of Aratics, you run to the Five Priestesses' temple. It is huge, made out of pure marble, with an enormous statue of Arat in front.

You enter the temple and find the Five Priestesses. They are all totally naked, as it must be when they search for answers from Arat.

"Who are you?" the Priestess in the center asks.

"Yenbow has told me that I should be initiated. Are you Gebassa?"

"Indeed I am. Why did Yenbow tell you?"

"I know where a Last Saints' hideout is."

"What? You know where a Last Saints' hideout is? We need to find that right now! They are ruining us! You can be initiated afterwards."

You reach the Magic Shop on Labor Street, Gebassa following you. You enter the shop. Business seems to be normal, with magical items being traded and sorcerers teaching their apprentices new spells.

You speak up to all of the magicians.

"I have heard that there is a Last Saints hideout here. If you do not reveal it now you are all under arrest."

One of the men talks to you. "I am Leon. And it was only me, all of these men are innocent. Take me. But the Last Saints are in there." He points to a locked door.

"Wait here for your arrest," you tell Leon before kicking the door open.

It was true. There are perhaps ten Last Saints in the room, all dressed in the traditional black. They are all made speechless upon your arrival.

"You are all under arrest for not following the endorsed religion of Aratics."

One of the Saints finds his voice. "Look, this is wrong. You can't arrest us just because we aren't Aratics!"

"Yes, I can. Either way, you attacked the temple and the palace."

"The Order of Dunbar is peaceful. We would never do that without a reason. The Aratics persecuted our people. They killed our families. We do not wish for revenge. We wish to be treated equally, and to be given back Dunbar, or the Eastern Lands as you call them."

"Do not listen to them!" Gebassa screams. "Let us leave and I shall initiate you right away!"

"If you join the Last Saints," the man says, "we can iniate you right now and take care of Gebassa. But only because of how she wronged us. And then we can take Huduld back to its original owners."

What will you be initiated into?
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