Prophecies of Dunbar: The Last Saints

You do not open the envelope and return it to Obe safely.

"Excellent!" he responds. "I think you deserve to be promoted to Assistant. But this is just about as far as I'm going to let you advance, you'd have to take my job as Manager to get farther!"

At this exact moment a man bursts into the store.

Obe shudders, looking extremely scared. "Jade Master! What are you here for?"

The Master looks at you and Obe. "Give me the envelope," he tells Obe.

Slowly, Obe hands him the envelope. Master unseals it and reads. Then he asks you:

"Have you seen the contents of this note?"


"Well, it is rather incriminating. It looks like Obe is a Last Saint. We must punish him with death. Kill Obe, and you can become a Manager."
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