Prophecies of Dunbar: The Last Saints

You walk up to the Imperial Castle, but, as you expected, the guards block the way.

"Please, let me in, I have an urgent meeting with Yenbow," you plead.

"Who sent you?"


The guards eye you suspiciously, but allow you entrance to the castle. Perillion told you to go up the first flight of stairs and make a right, and so you follow his directions. You open up a door to find Yenbow laying on his bed, seemingly distraught. Yenbow does not look like a Lord of Areknos. Even though his clothes reflect those of a leader, his face does not.

Immediately, upon your arrival, Yenbow's body jerks up and he smiles.

"Are you the man Perillion sent to help me?"

"Yes, I am. What is it you want me to do?"

"You are a new convert to Aratics, aren't you? And you used to be one of the Order of Dunbar? Well, even here in Huduld, where Aratics is supposed to be at its strongest, there is a large population of Dunbar worshippers. And it really doesn't look good to have Dunbar fanatics near the Five Priestess's temple."

"What are these Dunbar men doing to Huduld, sir?"

"They have organized attacks against the Militia, so I conducted sweeps. This purged the city of them for a few days, but I now believe their numbers are swelling. Despite their numbers, they call themselves The Last Saints of Dunbar, as if they were the only ones left. They are still spread throughout the Eastern Lands" (the Eastern Lands are the new name for the land called Dunbar, the Aratics wanted to change it after conquering).

"What would you have me do?" your voice quivers as you say this. You used to worship Dunbar. You do not want to go and fight your old friends.

"I believe that the Last Saints have a hideout here in Huduld. I want you to find it. Go around town and ask people if they know anything. Come back to me when you find something."

Will you go get information?

You have 2 choices:

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