Prophecies of Dunbar: The Last Saints

Crossing the street to the bar, you open the door to find a society without rules. Men down whole glasses and then ask for more, and the women walk around half-naked. Seems like your kind of place.

A burly man approaches you. "Hey, boy! I'm Epduss, and this is my place. If you want some beer, that'll be comin' real quick, but if it's company you want, that can be arranged as well."

"Uhh..." you don't know how to respond. In Areknos, prostitution is illegal. You should bring this man to the militia.

"Oh don't worry," he appears to sense your concern, "this is standard practice. I'm part of the Areknos Affiliated Criminals, we're safe with the goverment. You could be a Criminal too, I have some jobs that need doin'."

You have 2 choices:

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