Prophecies of Dunbar: The Last Saints

You walk into the busy marketplace. Merchants clamor for your business. Shops are everywhere, selling all possible products, from food to jewelry to slaves. Looking for something worthwhile, you find a shop specializing in jade objects.

You enter the shop and make your way to the cashier. As you look around the store, you notice just how much jade there is. Statues and pendants made from the stone adorn all the walls and shelves.

"How is it possible that one store could have so much jade?" you ask the salesman.

"This is the Jade Traders of the Eastern Lands. We have a total monopoly on jade."

He bends closer to you and whispers: "Listen, I'm in a little bit of trouble. I know that my wife, Jeleen, is cheating on me. I want to catch her in the act. Will you tend to the shop? I'll make you a jade Trader. If you help me you could advance through the ranks."
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