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Time Traveller

You run like the wind, your heart thumping as you hear the shouts of Mike and his men, and the sharp crack of gunshots as they open fire. Dust sprays up around you as bullets slam into the street, but thankfully, none hit you. Your white lab coat is flowing out behind you.

You quickly duck into a space between two buildings, breathing heavily. You can hear the sounds of Mike and his men pursuing you.

"Quick, through here," the woman's voice whispers near you. She is holding open a door into the building, and you duck through it swiftly. She shuts it behind you and locks it.

"How did you get here so quickly?" You ask her, bewildered. She grins.

"There are passages all over this town," she replies, and gestures to a dusty trapdoor in the wooden floor. "Follow me, I'll get you out of here and to some friends of mine."

Considering this woman's reputation, the prospect of meeting her friends sounds ominous, but it is either that, or wait around to be shot by Six-Gun Mike. The woman leaps down through the trapdoor, and you climb down after her.

You find yourself in a dank, stifling passageway, that stretches off ahead of you. It is lit by lamps on either side.

"This way," the woman says, and strides off along the passageway. You follow her for what seems like hours, even thought it can't be more than about ten minutes. Suddenly, she stops next to a ladder.

"Up here," she says, grinning in the faint light, "we're out of town now."

She climbs the ladder and pushes open a heavy trapdoor. Sunlight floods into the passageway, dazzling you momentarily as you climb the ladder. The woman helps you up.

"Close call," she drawls, "but let's keep moving. My friends have a place in the canyons where we can hide for a while."

She begins walking, kicking up the dust as she goes. You hesitate for a moment, looking between her and the town, a little way away, but there's no way that you can go back there for a while, so you begin walking after the woman.

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