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Killer in the school

That is correct,your smarter than you look,here is the key for the canteen" he replies "you never know you might see your friends in there!" He laughs cruely. You leave the classroom and head for the canteen. When you reach the canteen you use the key on the door and step into canteen. You are frozen by terror at what you see. The canteen has become a slaughter house. The floor is littered with the bodies of students and staff. There is blood everywhere. Some bodies are whole while some have been cut up into pieces. You spot a metal tin which would normally hold the soup for lunch in it. Someone has wrote in blood on it:"Blood suprise" You decide to look in it but end up knocking it over when you see what is inside it. Inside it is the head of your friend Zak. With a sick feeling in your stomach you wonder what you will do now. Will you:
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