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Hiei Part 2

You watched him leave, not making any motion to prevent him from leaving you. But the second he was out the door, you fell to the floor on your knees and cried. You had thought he of all people was the one, maybe you thought wrong.
You felt you were going to go crazy without Hiei around. You missed the moving tone of his voice, his dashing; but not often, smile. But most of all, the way just the slightest look from him to you would send your entire body on the fritz. You deeply sighed, you needed to talk to him, and only one name could come to your head as of how to get to the demon, Kurama. But he passed away, no longer here. Wait a second; Hiei had one other friend you knew about, who didn't live all to far from hear, what was his name? Come on think!!

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