Herald of the waters

You are certain that there is little fairness, if any at all, in this arrangement. This is your home, and you feel it must always be yours; so you will struggle for it. Indeed! So this you are telling the servant.
"But I have no intention of abandoning this home. Please tell master that I will find a way to pay him".
Voloi stares sadly at you and replies.
"I am deeply sorry, but I am afraid my Lord, the count, will not accept this proposal. Please depart from this house at once or I am instructed to come back here with the officers of the law".
Having said, he goes away at a fast pace only to turn after a dozen of steps to advise
"Young man, I mean no evil to you, but you must reconsider this, for holding a building which is not properly yours is a crime that can be punished quite harshly. So I advise you not to be here when I return.
Then, not waiting for your reply he walks away.
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