Herald of the waters

Determined to make a stand you waste no time clothing yourself, you just take your worn out knee breeches (or shorts as would been known in this date) and your shirt and at once start your preparations.

Your door is hard to secure as lack any lock, so you tie it firmly so that it cannot be opened but an inch and then proceed to barricade it with the table and as many random things as you are able to pack. Then you turn your attention to the window, which is a major concern to you, as it cannot be seen anyway of closing it effectively; until your reason that it is too small for any adult to pass through it. Trusting in the security of your fortress you wait.

And wait, and wait, till your patience is spent as you seem to linger in vain; and indeed at times you think it has been but a joke of the old servant. Alas it is not; here they come.

As the sudden storm, carried by brave winds, they appear to you. Three men and a beast. One is Voloi, the servant; the other two are soldiers dressed in red coats and grey pantaloons; armed with muskets. The beast is a black dog who walks happily by them, but you know it could turn into an whirlwind of death at its owner's command. The soldiers stop to plug their bayonets.

· Would you seize this moment to sleek through the window and run for it? If that is your desire continue your reading at "The Flight".
· If you rather prefer to stay then keep on at "My house!".

You have 2 choices:

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