What Ho!

She looks as indignant as she can.

"Petey! How can you abandon us in our hour of need?"

"A simple enough process, really. I say 'Ta ta Cuddy! Blessings on the two of you, let me know when to order the fish slice'. Besides," you point out reasonably, "This is Fatty's province, not mine. He's the one who has to raise the money to look good in front of your dogfood magnate daddy, not I" Your small brain is starting to put two and two together, and it's contemplating issuing a premonition of doom.

"So you won't help?"

"No, I know you too well" you say with dignity.

Cuddy, with a complete absence of morals, starts quivering her lower lip. "I....I suppose I misjudged you......I thought of you as a f-f-f-riend....."

"Dash it, Cuddy! Stop blubbering!"

"I just had a little p-p-part for you to play, just to ensure our eternal h-h-h-appiness." The faucets on, she uses your left shoulder as a blotter.

Against your will, you pat her back awkwardly. A man of your genteel upbringing has no choice. Like Roland, you are doomed to your chivalric fate.

"Fine. What is this part that you have consigned me to?"

She squeals with happiness and gives you a bonecrushing hug "Ooooooh Petey, you DID come through. Ok, this is what I need you to do......"

You have 1 choice:

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