
"This is crazy." you think as your body pushes through the wind and the rain, which is growing more threatening by the minute. You begin to shiver uncontrolabley, but you do not stop walking even though much seems hopeless.

Suddenly in the distance, you see a column of black smoke rising in the air from behind a grassy knoll, writhering with the wind.
A forest fire?
No forests around here. As you rush forward with excitement, you can hear the sound of many metal hammers rising and falling, the shouts of many deep voices bantering back and forth. There is a warning flaring in the back of your mind, but you don't care, and you rush forward, eager to be out of the cold and by a warm fire.
You reach the top of the grassy knoll and look down upon a large valley.
In the valley are thousands of strange creatures, each of them building or hammering. The black smoke is shooting from spouts of several large, stone buildings, seemingly some sort of factory. Large tents and shelters are set up, and many fires litter the ground, burning large and brightly despite the rain.
But the large, black creatures don't seem very friendly, and you feel like you would not be welcome.

You are about to run back to the tree when a large, dark hand clamps firmly on your shoulder and thrusts you around.
The creature standing before you is about eight feet tall, packed with muscles and covered with a thin layer of dark hair. The monsters skin is very black, and his great yellow eyes glare at you with malicious amusement.
"Hey!" he calls back over his shoulder to his dozen companions about thirty yards away, "Look what I found! A scrawny human boy!"
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