
You sprint over to the nearest tree trunk and scramble to the top just as the wolves arrive. Growling in frusteration, the five large beasts begin circling the tree while licking their lips. Minutes that pass seem like hours to you as you shiver on a lone tree limb, staring at the hungry wolves circling below you. One of them lunges upward and comes within inches of snapping its jaw upon your hanging foot. You recoil imediately.
You had no idea they could jump so high!
You look upwards for large branches that will hold you, but they are either far out of reach or too small to hold your weight.
Another wolf lunges upward, higher this time, momentarily grasping the branch with its muscular forelegs before falling back down to the earth. You stand up on your branch and hold the trunk of the tree for support. A third wolf lunges, this time at a height high enough to grab your thigh and pull you down, but a swift kick from your foot flings it back to the ground, yelping. Losing your balance, you slip and fall, just barely grasping the branch with your outstretched hands.
The wolves below growl with delight and prepare to jump up to grab their evasive prey.

Suddenly a large, flaming ball shoots passed a wolf, barely missing it, and explodes into the tree. The trunk imediately cracks and burns, the explosion of the fireball breaking it almost in half. As the tree begins to fall, you jump away from it and land on the ground in a heap. The wolves, startled by the explosion, run of into the bushes yelping.

You feel your head throbbing hard as you sit up, trying to see where the fireball had come from. Reaching up, you gingerly touch the side of your head and feel blood. It looks like you hit your head pretty hard.
The world around you begins to blur, your head begins to reel, and your tired and damaged body falls deep into unconciousness...

You have 1 choice:

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