
You walk slowly up to the door, trying your best not to creak the old wooden floor boards, and reach for the door knob. Suddenly you hear the sound of the front door closing and locking by itself. A shiver runs down your spine, and you look around for a window to jump out of. There is none, so you turn back to the door, and gathering all of your courage you reach for the doorknob and pull. Bright light shines out of the room, blinding you for a second, and when your eyes finally adjust you see...

Nothing. The room is totally empty.

You let out a long sigh. Inside the room is only a lit candle sitting upon a single desk. Seeing that there is nothing else of interest inside the room, you turn around to head back outside.
At the end of the hall is the Puppetmaster.
"Oh crap!" you cry out as the Puppetmaster, smiling devishly, stalks towards you...

You have 1 choice:

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