Vampires and A.F.I.

You gain back your courage and walk into the room holding Mickey's hand tight. Your nervousness must have been very noticable because once you walked in Davey got up and came over.
"No need to be nervous, we arent gonna hurt you." Davey says.
You smile and loosen your grip on Mickey's hand.
"OK so you guys will be performing a song called Falling Leaves, is that correct?" Jade Puget, A.F.I.'s guitarest, asks.
"Jade don't sound so official god!" Hunter BUrgan, the bass player says.
"Yes that is right." Your Hunter says.
"OK so whenever oyu guys are ready." Adam, THe drum player says.
YOu guys walk up onto the small stage.It takes a few moments for you guys to get ready. Waiting a few more moments you take a deep breath and then Hunter, Mike, and Mickey start to play the music. YOu suddenly feel all that nervousness flow back into you. You can't sing this song. Or can you.

You have 1 choice:

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