Vampires and A.F.I.

YOu decide to start singing. What could possibly go wrong. You hear your voice belting out the words. You grow even more comfident and start to get into singing. THen as fast as it started the song ends.
An eruption of claps fill your ears. You open your eyes to see all four of A.F.I.'s memebers clapping. You and your friends take in all that is happening.
"That was very good!" Davey and Jade say together.

Skip One Month
"We have decided on one band to sponser." Adam says.
"It was a very hard desicion and it took us a long time to figure it out." Davey says.
"THe first band we must say goodbye to is Green Water." Hunter says getting right to the point. THree girls walk out of the room one giving davey the middle finger.
"THe next band we must say goodbye to is
The Teeny Boppers." Jade says.
"Wait that leaves us." Mike wispers to oyu.
"Well you guys made it!" Adam says.
You guys stand there for a few moments.
"YA! WE KICK ASS! I TOLD YOU ARISA!!" Mickey says jumping up and down and hugging you.
"So you guys will be staying with us for a little while until you can buy your own house.YOu will be moving to berkely." Davey says.
All four of you guys go home and pack up clothes. Davey said that they would provide beds so you wouldnt have to pay a moving van.You pack up everyhting you need and wait for Mike Mickey and Hunter to show up at your house.
They arrive about 15 minutes after Davey and Jade show up.
An hour later you arrive at there giant house.Davey shows everyone to their bedrooms.
You take about an hour to unpack and then head down into the kitchen. YOu walk in quietly to see davey and jade being a little more then friendly with each other.YOu walk out just as quietly as you came in and walk to Adam's room(IT is right next to yours). YOu knock on teh door.
"Come in." He says
YOu open the door and poke your head in.
"Hey Arisa! Whats up??"
"Nothing really. Weres Davey and Jade?"You ask
"I left them in the kitchen to cook dinner.Why??"
"I was just wondeirng."
"Well lets go see if dinner is ready." Adam says.
YOu follow Adam down the stairs. He walks into the kitchen and walked out just as quickly.
"Whats wrong?" You ask pretending not to know.
"Nothing they are cooking onions. They really effect my eyes." Adam lies.
"Oh ok.I think I am gonna go get some water." You say.
"No no please dont!" Adam says following you into the kitchen.You stop dead in your tracks. Before when you had seen them they had just been flirting and that kind of stuff now they were makeing out.YOu look at Adam he quickly drags you out of the kitchen.
"Look yes Davey and Jade are gay! Ok they say they arent because some people would act weird!Please dont tell anyone!" Adam says in one quick breath.
"I wont." YOu say.
About two hours later dinner is finally ready.With no onions included.You guys start to eat dinner. YOu look over at davey and jade and then at Adam. You feel kind of awkard now. What are oyu going to do??

You have 1 choice:

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