The Oddball Odyssey Part Choose-Your-Own

After hours of rough, merciless and relentless training involving worlds of hanycon during meditation, to combat with varying parts of his body. His life is dedicated to this, as if it is the only way he is able to live. He stands beside the youthful peach tree, that provides life thoughout the Sacred Temple. The Monk enjoys his way of life, this is, in fact his culture, provided that he does not end a life of other Monks, he should be safe here, with the comfort of his family and friends. To refuse to abide to the rules of the temple would be ignoble.

The Monk crosses his legs, closes his eyes and immediatly concentrates, forgetting the world around him, as if nothing but the feel of his lungs expanding exists. Life itself is forgotten completely. Meditation, is essential to his training, without this, he would be deprived of inner-peace.

Suddenly, the Temple explodes, the stone is flung in separate and similair directions, some land beside the Monk, the Monk awakens from his harminous discovery, and looks behind him. Horrified, he limps over to the Temple as fast as his terrified body can handle.

Among the smoke, a distinct silhouette is visible. The Monk curses underneath his breath, without warning, there is a huge explosion crumbling the earth from beneath him and he is flung across the earth and thuds onto the ground.

The being bursts into a howl of deep-voiced laughter, seemingly amused by the sight.

The Monk raises himself onto his feet, staring at a long robed being, which conceals it's figure, not even the face.

"You always were quite pathetic..." He says.
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